Join Our Lab

Patzke lab members are a community of diverse and highly motivated people engaging in scientific projects aiming to elucidate the molecular and cellular basis of brain function and dysfunction in health and disease. Our lab is particularly interested in students and postdocs who can mix into our lively and creative environment that fosters scientific discovery.

Post-docs and PhD positions

Undergraduates with Background in Biology or Neuroscience

Undergraduates with strong Bioinformatics Background

We are always looking forward to hearing from you. Please contact Chris if you are interested in our research, would like to rotate, or want to join us:

Diversity and Inclusion
A core belief of the lab is to recruit diverse people with diverse ideas to truly tackle interesting scientific questions. The diversity that each person brings to the lab strengthens the discussions and is viewed as a resource and benefit.

Our work aims to better understand rare genetic diseases affecting the brain. Our mission is to serve people with autism spectrum disorders or intellectual disability.